Monday, February 21, 2011

Objectives of the BSc(Software Engineering) Program

The objectives of the BSc(Software Engineering) program are to provide the knowledge, skills and attributes that should be achieved by the graduates for a successful career. The program is designed to:
  1. To produce graduates who are able to use sound computational principles and techniques in solving real world problems across different application areas.
  2. To produce graduates who are capable of applying efficient and effective scientific approach and tools in designing and building high quality computer programs. 
  3. To produce graduates who are capable to plan, analyze, design and implement a large scale software projects with a quality software projects and products.
  4. To produce graduates who are able to communicate effectively across different range of contexts and audiences.
  5. To produce graduates who are able to independently conduct lifelong learning and adapt readily to changing situations.
  6. To produce graduates who are able to demonstrate consistent professional ethics with high integrity